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A virtual data lake enables users to mix and match data from different sources; in this virtual data lake implementation, the data is held in a triple store, which is connected to the data sources by source connectors.

See: Description

Package Description
This package contains an implementation of a source of items and triples that uses local files, and a source connector that can be used by a triple store to connect to that source.
This package contains classes that use the basic access methods of the triple store class to provide access to a triple store in more powerful and sophisticated ways.
This package provides a Web API to virtual data lake triple stores.
This package defines the interface between a triple store and source connectors.
This package contains the classes for the fundamental entities of a virtual data lake: its triple store, items, triples, datums, access levels, and store sessions.

A virtual data lake enables users to mix and match data from different sources; in this virtual data lake implementation, the data is held in a triple store, which is connected to the data sources by source connectors.

These packages can be used to build a virtual data lake with sources in the local file system, and with interfaces that an application program can use to create, modify, and search the data in the sources.

See the package documentation for more details. The documentation of the triplestore package, which describes the basic concepts, is the best place to start.

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